Rete da pesca all'ingrosso,net ombra,barriera erbaccia,anti uccello,rete anti-insetti, barriera recinzione,Lama del rasoio, pietra pomice,eccetera.

Cina Produttore di reti da pesca

» Cina Produttore di reti da pesca

Come misurare la dimensione delle maglie delle reti da pesca?

Cina Produttore di reti da pesca
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How to measure the Mesh Size of Reti da pesca?
What is a Mesh in Reti da pesca?

Una maglia è il buco nella rete che si forma quando quattro fili di spago vengono annodati o lavorati a maglia insieme. The shape of the mesh is normally diamond-shaped or square-shaped as

How Do you Measure the Size of the Mesh (Buco) in Rete?

Mesh size is the measurement of the hole or opening in netting. Netting is measured in several ways, so it is very important that both the manufacturer and the end user of the netting measure the mesh size using the same method. Netting is measured by:

Stretch or Full Measurement The stretch or full measurement can be measured by one of 3 methods:

un') Center of one knot to the center of the next knot (CC)

B) Inside one knot to the outside of the next knot

c) Inside of one knot to the inside of the next knot (IK)

2. Square or Half Measurement

3. Netting can be measured depthways (perpendicular to the selvedges) or it can be measured lengthways (parallel to the selvedges). The measurement of the mesh in knotted netting will be slightly larger if measured depthways (perpendicular to the selvedges)

4. When measuring meshes, normally three to six meshes are measured at one time then divided by the number of meshes measured to calculate the average mesh size.

A typical method of measurement would be:

Example: Six stretch or full meshes pulled tightly measures 12 inches in the depthways direction, therefore each mesh will be 2 inches stretch or full mesh

Modulo di richiesta (ci metteremo in contatto con voi al più presto)


3 + 3 = ?

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