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  • Griddle BBQ grill block pumice stone griddle grill block brick

    Grill Cleaning Stone, Pumice Stone

    Our main products:
    1. Cleaning stone:
    It can be used for cleaning BBQ, grill griddle & grate,Bathroom, WC, kitchen, crepe, toilet,concrete, swimming pool,marble &
    ceramic floor tile, metals, etc!  It can eliminates difficult stains and rust with fast and effective cleaning.

    2. Foot pumice stone/Pumice sponge/ Volcanic pumice stone: It can remove dead skin or callus of foot/hand.

    3. Sweaters Stone: It can remove fuzz, pilling and knots from polyester knits, fabric, sweater,wool, fleece, knits, jersey and more.

    4. Pet hair removal stone, Horse/dog Grooming stone,groomer stone:
    sweeps away unwanted pet hair from auto interiors, like fabric, upholstery, and carpet!

    5.Animal chew toy Nipping Cube pumice stone:
    Animal like Chinchilla,Rabbit chew toy for dental use, do chew residuals.

    6. Cashmere comb/sweater comb: same use like sweater stone.

    6. Cellular glass Insulation:heat/sound insulation material cellular glass for indoor or outdoor!

    7. Suede & Nubuck cleaning block, shoes eraser:  it is made of rubber, it can remove marks and dirty.

    • Product Description

    Griddle BBQ grill block pumice stone griddle grill block brick

    Barbecue grill brush/barbecue cleaner for fast and efficient cleaning of BBQ grills, racks, griddles and other utensils made of steel or iron than using wire brushes
    Ecologically sound, green product, harmless to health, non-allergenic, non-toxic, odorless. Prevents the spread of harmful dirt.
    2-time use per stone for heavily dirty grill and 6-8 uses for maintenance cleaning- gently rub on warm or cool surface to clean, then wipe surface with a damp cloth
    Grill cleaning block is powerful enough to get rid of encrusted grease, dirt, and stubborn grime with light pressure applied
    Made of 100% glass heated and treated in a method similar to formation of volcanic pumice stone and wears down much like pumice stone

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    Contact Name: Toby, Maria
    Address:Zhongxing Road, Anqing City,Anhui,China
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