Clean the toughest baked-on messes with ease. Grill cleaning stone environmentally friendly grill cleaning blocks provide powerful, effective and safe cleaning for BBQ grills, griddles, smokers and other cooking surfaces, all while contributing to a healthy environment. Its safe for use on all barbecue grill grates, including porcelain enamel, cast iron, stainless steel, steel and chrome.
Cleaning Block Advantages: Stones can help clean the toughest build-up more effectively and wont clog like rough wire brushes, grill scrapers, and harsh cleaning sprays. They easily remove burnt or charred-on food, grease, and other build-up.
Where to Use: Our cleaning stone can be used on most surfaces, including charcoal and gas barbecue grill grates and grates made of porcelain enamel, cast iron, stainless steel, chrome, and flat-top grills. It works on either hot or cold surfaces.
A Smarter Way to Clean: Chemical-free and fume-free, our block is a great tool to clean the surfaces where you cook for your family and friends. It also doesnt have metal debris, like brushes with wire bristles and scours can.
How to Use: Use on hot or cold surfaces; block can be used wet or dry. Apply gentle pressure when cleaning; the block conforms to clean between grates. Use a damp cloth or water on cool surface to remove residue.
Thoughtfully Made: The grill cleaning block is made from 98% recycled materials, helping to reduce landfill waste.

Grattoir pour barbecue Nettoyant pour gril en pierre ponce
Nos principaux produits, y compris:
1. Pierre à griller/brique à griller/pierre abrasive
Il peut être utilisé pour nettoyer le barbecue, gril, plaque & grille,Salle de bains, cuisine, crêpe, toilette,béton, piscine,marbre & carrelage en céramique, métaux, etc.!
2. Toilet bowl ring remover/WC cleaning stone/pool cleaning stone/pumice sticks. Il peut éliminer les taches difficiles et la rouille avec un nettoyage rapide et efficace.
3. Foot pumice stone/Volcanic pumice stone/Pumice sponge/pumice pad
Il peut enlever la peau morte du pied, main, coude.
4. Pulls Stone/ pilling stone:
Il peut supprimer le duvet, boulochage et nœuds des tricots en polyester, en tissu, chandail,
la laine, toison, tricote, Jersey et plus.
5. Pet pierre épilation, Pierre de toilettage cheval/chien/chat,pierre de toiletteur:
balaye les poils d'animaux non désirés des intérieurs automobiles, comme tissu, tapisserie & tapis!
6." Le blog:
jouet à mâcher à usage dentaire, ne pas mâcher les résidus. Animal comme Chinchilla,Lapin
7. Peigne/pull en cachemire: anti-boulochage pour pull, la laine,etc.
8. Boules de cèdre en bois: instead of moth repellent for clothes, chaussures, etc.
9. Stainless steel scrubber/scourer: pour le nettoyage de la cuisine.