10 Piezas Palos de piedra pómez Estropajo de piedra pómez para limpiar Limpiador de palo de piedra pómez gris para quitar el baño del anillo del tazón 5.9 X 1.4 X 0.9 Pulgada
Piedra pómez
Our cleaning blocks remove the most encrusted dirt in toilets and bathrooms. Every unit passes through several quality controls to ensure that you receive the perfect product.
*Removes the most encrusted dirt without any effort
*Hecho en China - Highest quality
*Free transport in Europe
*Specially effective against lime and hard water stains
We are one of biggest supplier of glass pumice stone,foot pumice stone and related products in China. Now we often export our pumice stone to Brazil, Estados Unidos, España, etc.. Hope we also can make business with your company!
The main items including:
1. cleaning stone,parrilla de piedra: cleaning rust, heavy duty oil, dirty, parrilla,crepe, cocina, piscina, baño,etc..
2. Pumice stick, toilet bowl ring remover
3. foot pumice stone/pumice sponge: hard skin remover for foot or hand, callus remover
4. Sweater stone,fabric remover,removedor de pilling
5. pet hair removal pumice stone, horse grooming stone
6. chew toy pumice stone for animal dental
7. fregadora de acero inoxidable
8. peine de cachemira,sweater comb
9. Cedar balls instead of moth balls.