Filet de pêche en gros,filet de l'ombre,barrière contre les mauvaises herbes,anti-oiseau,filet à insectes, Barrière de clôture,lame de rasoir, Pierre ponce,etc..

Fabricant chinois de filet de pêche

» Fabricant chinois de filet de pêche

Quel type de filet de pêche avec une bonne résistance à la rupture ?

Fabricant chinois de filet de pêche
demande de renseignements
  • Description du produit

What kind of filet de pêche with good breaking strength?

There are two types of materials that netting is typically made of: Nylon et polyéthylène haute densité, ou plus communément appelé HDPE.

Le filet en nylon est idéal pour une utilisation intensive, cages d'intérieur car il a la plus grande résistance à la rupture et est de loin le type de filet le plus durable. Used in most fishing netMLB and NCAA indoor facilities, Nylon nets provide excellent abrasion resistance and the best overall durability. Consequently, Nylon netting is typically very expensive.

High-Density Polyethylene or HDPE netting can be used in both indoor and outdoor batting cages. Because it does not soak up moisture, HDPE netting will not shrink or rot, and typically retains its breaking strength for a longer duration of time. For added outdoor protection, our HDPE nets incorporate a UV Inhibitor directly into the individual twine-fibers. These UV Inhibitors help the netting resist break down due to exposure to direct sunlight.

While HDPE fishing nets do not have the break strength of Nylon netting, they do offer a more price efficient option for your indoor or outdoor netting needs.

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